Writing and running a successful blog takes perseverance and commitment. (Yes, I know, I’m stating the obvious, but I have to open with a good line.)
Everyday there is something to do- write, publish, keyword research, engage with your fellow bloggers and readers, write (did I already state that one?). This blogging life can get a little humdrum at times. Not to mention tiring.
Yes, I said it. Sitting at a desk punching the keyboard can get very tiring. Your back starts to ache, your feet wonder if they will ever be used again and you lose track of everyday events like feeding the dog or brushing your teeth. (Don’t worry, I get around to these tasks eventually.)
Every blogger has those times in their blogging life where you just think “I’m done”, I just can’t think, for whatever reason.
I’m here to tell you this is normal. Anyone who does the same thing day in day out can get worn-out. But that is never an excuse to just stop. This is the time you should take a break. Ease back from being online. Get some air, even for a few days. Refresh your brain and your body. I guarantee you will come back energized and ready to find out what you missed out on.
But what do you do with your blog? The show must go on. Your readers rely on you give them content on a regular interval. The answers are actually rather easy.
Below are 7 post types you can publish when the need for a break is in order.
The “Best-Of” Post
This one is my favorite and I use them on the rare occasions when I just don’t feel like writing.
I go back into my blog, find my most popular posts and make them into a list with a short summary of each. This gives a taste of what you were to your audience before they knew you like they do today.
You can also gather posts of the same theme or subject. The most commented posts. Posts with the prettiest pictures. Whatever your desire.
List Post
The easiest way to write a post is to simply make a list of something. The “best of” I mentioned above is a list post. You can also make a list of anything you like. For my 100th post I wrote 100 Things About Me. Use your imagination. What do you think your audience would love?
Have a Guest Writer
Guest writers bring new perspective for your audience to read. They write and all you need to do is edit a bit and publish. Very easy.
My guest blogger posts. They not only help me take a break but also bring their readers to my blog. Whenever I have a guest poster my blog views rise.
Redo Some of your Old Content
Have you been blogging for a while? You can breathe new life into a post that has been long forgotten. I wouldn’t copy it word for word, Google hates that. But bring up main points again and revitalize it with a modern twist.
I revitalized an old post into a video.
Make a Quick Video
We all have small cameras that record video or a phone with video capabilities. Use it to simply make a quick video using many of the techniques I’ve already mentioned, especially breathing new life into an old post.
Videos from my WAHM Video Thursdays.
Buy Your Articles
There are many places you can find writers in which you can pay just a few dollars to write up a post or posts for you. These articles are called PLR or Private Label Rights. Many people will write articles to sell to bloggers online. You simply search for your subject and then PLR after it. “Dog PLR” or “Social Media PLR”. Many writers sell their stuff dirt cheap.
But I do want to warn (thank you Lisa for the reminder) after you buy the PLR article be sure to make it your own. Add your own words and your own twist to it. There is the possibility that those articles have been used by others online so you do not want to be penalized by Google for publishing duplicate content.
I haven’t had to do this yet, but it is surely on my radar if needed. For more info, ProBlogger has a great article on PLR.
Write a Few Posts in Advance
Always have some back up articles already written by you for those emergency cases. When you are on a roll and feel like your brain is hot with ideas and your fingers are moving faster than you can think- write. Write posts and save them for days you can’t think, tired or an emergency arises.
What is your strategy when you just don’t feel like writing?