We all love Facebook, right? Well, I know many people that do not. I tend to have this love/hate relationship with them.
On one hand Facebook sends great traffic to my blog.
On the other hand, Facebook rarely lets more than 25% of my fans to see my updates from my Facebook page. You can read my rant on my FB Page here.
This ranking system they have there called Edgerank makes sense to me but it just seems so skewed to larger pages with more fans.
There are work-arounds, of course. I can get people to interact more with my page through update likes, polls and conversation. Facebook figures if you have an active community page then there must be something interesting going on and will show your page in news feeds more often.
I can also ask my fans to either place my FB page on one of their interest lists or get notifications every time I post or both.
In the video below I show you how to do just that.
Can’t see the video? Watch it here.
If you enjoyed my video and found it useful, like my WAHM Facebook Page and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.